PAMM stands for Percentage Allocation Management Module and is a type of pooled fund.
It provides a secure platform where Investors can invest in Fund Manager(s) of their choice to trade for them.
PAMM eliminates any need to understand the markets and how to trade for the investor.
It also saves the investors from the time and effort required to grow their capital.
Investors pool their funds under the Fund Manager. When the Fund Manager trades, the volume is divided between the investors in proportion to their investment in the pool.
If profitable, the Fund Manager takes a percentage of the profit for their knowledge, time, and efforts.
Eliminate the complexities of trading by selecting from a diverse range of experienced PAMM Masters who will trade on your behalf.
Why Choose PAMM Investing?
Navigating the financial markets requires time, expertise, and discipline - elements that many investors may not have. With PAMM, you gain access to a structured investment platform where professional traders manage your funds. By carefully selecting a PAMM Master aligned with your investment objectives, you can enhance your potential for consistent and profitable returns without the need for active market involvement.
Leverage the expertise of seasoned traders and take a smarter approach to investing.
Register with Tradesmart
Select your favorite PAMM Master account
Invest and manage your funds from Client Portal area
TradeSmart empowers Money Managers with the tools and flexibility to grow their investor base and maximize their earnings.
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Full Transparency
Data-driven transparency in performance and fees.
Control and Analysis
Real-time tracking and reporting.
Advanced Technology
With a user-friendly interface.
Top Trading Conditions
Several funding methods and ZERO withdrawal fees.